innovative, aesthetic, sustainable, constructible, affordable and proven Facades
innovative, aesthetic, sustainable, constructible, affordable and proven Facades
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Ventilated Facade 1.0
The prestudy.
What is Ventilated Facade?
What is thermally broken Continuous Insulation?
What is effective R Value?
What is excellent Building Envelope?
You need to know this, to know the rest of the webinars.
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Over 400 Hours of Learning Credits issued in 2020. 80% recommendation rating. Come learn what the best know.
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They do not allow your team to interact on a topic. They do not allow free interchange and learning from each other.
FSI would like to offer a more GOTOMEETING approach to Webinars, just for your team.
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Fibre Cement has been a building material for decades. It has been typically used as a flat panel, which offers creativity but also cost. System based products offer a wide range of colour and finishes, but maintain the same form factor: hence lower costs.
Review Video of Colours, and Video of Projects.
(WILSON SCHOOL B.I.G. Architects.)
News in brick you wonder; how could there be? Ho hum brick. Systems that use the best of brick, like durability and resilience have been used in innovative systems for decades elsewhere and are now in North America.
Wienerberger's (largest brick company in the world offers Corium Brick Rainscreen Facade
One hour, self reported structured OAA Learning Credits
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Ottawa Event March 19 Noon
Facades aren't for the weak. Not the panels, the details, the construct ability, the aesthetics, the cost, the everything. You've got to work with the strong.
Cosentino's Dean White and Facade System Inc.'s Blair Davies P.Eng. will explore facade system best practices in this informative session.
Learn how Dekton ultracompact panels (strong, easy to detail, easy to build, and offer a world of aesthetic) are implemented with the attachment systems, design, fabrication support and relationships in the trade community of Facade Systems Inc.
Mistakes are Costly